Executive Board
The Outagamie County Master Gardener Executive Board meets every other month. The board meets to consider input from members and to finalize the agenda for the general meeting.
Vice President
State Representative
Member at Large
Member at Large
Member at Large
Lorie Stoltz
Deb Schlough
Bev Pynenberg
Barb Fetterolf
Donna Nett-Heus
Clinton Judy
Karen Peckham
Jay Klavetter
Appointed Board Position
Member Education Committee
Communications Committee
Fund Raising Committee
Membership Committee
Grounds/Garden Committee
Current Chairperson
Nancy Goodman
Kim Lesperance
Jaci Micke & Sue Turner
Diana Van Straten
Donna Nett-Heus
Member Education Committee
Arrange for programs at the monthly meetings, provide continuing education for all members, and coordinate and oversee all educational events open to the public community, i.e.: Library Presentations.
Communications Committee
The Communication Committee holds responsibility for the quarterly member newsletter, the OCMGA website, the OCMGA Facebook page, the OCMGA blog, all mass e-mails to members, and emails to non-members about various events and fundraisers throughout our calendar year.
Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee holds responsibility for organizing fundraising events, including the ordering of product, recruitment of volunteers, procurement of supplies, and interaction with both the Communication and Education Committees to ensure resounding success.
Membership Committee
Strong member involvement is critical to the long-term success of any volunteer organization. The committee will ensure strong member involvement including outreach to interested community members, orientation for new members, social activities, and general member advocacy.
Grounds / Gardens Committee
On the grounds of the University of Wisconsin-Extension office at 3365 W. Brewster Street there are many gardens and pathways that are used for classroom studies, as well as being available for browsing by the general public. In addition, the grounds are used for our annual plant sale each May. This committee takes responsibility for the design of each of the garden areas, as well as the maintenance of those areas.